American Elite Expert
Witnesses’ Competitive Advantage


For Example, Would You Spend $1000 More on Your Expert Witnesses If You Knew It Would Earn You $50,000 More in Final Settlement?

About Us

Our Competitive Advantage

It is Pound Foolish to Save Pennies on Experts!

Consider this theoretical case. You are involved in litigation in which you represent a group of plaintiffs against a large organization.

Imagine you have paid $30,000 more for your Expert Witnesses than your opponent. Your expert witnesses is a top-tier leading expert witnesses, and your opponent’s expert witnesses is one he hired from one of the typical internet websites at the usual competitive rates to save money.

Your opponent’s expert witnesses is an excellent physician with great accolades and degrees from excellent universities, and he has great experience in his field of medical specialty.

Your Expert Witnesses on the other hand, is the professor who did most of the research in the field of specialty and has been credited for most of the discoveries. He wrote the main textbooks in the field, has won numerous awards, he gives lectures around the world, he is the president of the medical board of the specialty and the president of the Society in the specialty as well. He is globally known and respected in the field. He is known as the number one sub-specialist in an emerging groundbreaking field within the subspecialty that your particular legal case is founded on.

Now, who do you think would have the upper hand in this legal case? You with your Top Expert Witnesses, or your colleague, with his Internet Discount Expert Witnesses?

Why would you try to save money on something as important as an Expert Witnesses? Tell me, would you be willing to risk losing your legal case that has the potential to settle for multiples-of-millions-of-Dollars, to save $30,000-$50,000?

If you answered yes, please don’t contact American Elite!

For the rest of you “Pound Wise Lawyers”, let me share the following facts with you:

One of the competitive advantages of American Elite Expert Witnesses as a business is to provide Top Professional Experts to your law firm so that you can utilize them as instrumental leverages in your legal cases, to gain an upper hand over the opposing side.

These Top Professional Experts can offer your firm multitude of advantages, which may include but not be limited to:

“Global, or Outstanding Reputation of Leadership” within the field of specialty in which you seek an expert in, giving you a “Transferred Authority” when you speak of the subject matter of the legal case in court, or in any other related setting. These Top Expert Witnesses are usually leaders in their respective fields of specialty and most times they enjoy national, and sometimes even global recognition. By proxy, they transfer this authority to you to speak with confidence, and from a position of power, presenting almost indisputable facts, many of which your opposing counsels do not have access to, hence they can’t dispute these facts, and find themselves unprepared at the last minute to challenge you, hence giving you a much higher chance of winning your legal case! How is that for genius! Tell me that is not worth paying money for!? Yes you may pay more money but you get a higher chance of winning multitudes of millions of Dollars in return! But, isn’t just the feeling of being on top of the world as the Super Lawyer that you are, worth it! The exhilaration of knowing that after decades of hard work and study, and all the time, energy and the hard work that you invested on this particular legal case, you had a great professional victory that you could forever be proud of! 

Isn’t that worth the money? How about the excitement that winning the case creates in your firm, and all that it means to your whole team that you won, and how it makes them feel, like amazing winners, super achievers and on top of the world?

Isn’t your team’s happiness worth the money? How much are all these great things worth to you? But wait, how about the feelings of fulfillment, satisfaction and professional gratification that you personally draw from the experience of winning the case? They are these great, positive feelings of professional satisfaction that extend your desire to continue to do what you do as an attorney, hence helping you continue earning millions of Dollars over and over again, for years to come, in the process, with much more enthusiasm than you would have otherwise! Winning which results in professional satisfaction with enthusiasm all because you chose American Elite Expert Witnesses! That is priceless! I’m sure you agree!

In addition, Top Professional Experts by definition are those who possess “subject specific knowledge” in comparison to their more “generalist” counterparts, who are excellent at what they do as professionals in general, but they may not be one of the academic or national leaders, or nationally recognized Experts, involved in the most recent idiosyncrasies, ongoing researches and discoveries as the Top Expert Leaders in the Field of Specialty are. These Top Tear Experts can provide you with almost “secret inside information”!

Those may be “millions of dollars’ worth of gifts on a silver platter”. These secrets may be insider things that are being discussed among the top guys in the field when they get together for whisky and cigars, or just during the men’s night out! As they say “birds of a feather fly together” so too, top tear colleagues every once in a while may get together and exchange some thoughts while having fun! The types of things they discuss may be things like what may be wrong with the design of a certain production model that was manufactured two years ago, which is undergoing a redesign and has been known to cause injuries, or many other inside information which in-fact maybe the foundation of the legal-action you are bringing! Remember the “Ford Pinto” legal case of the 70’s? How would you like to have had the inside scoop on that before anyone else did? What would that peace of information been worth to your firm if you had access to it first?

The average professional down the line using the device, or training others on the use of the equipment, or repairing it day-in-day-out may not know a thing about the specific issue that the top tear guys know up top and can help you win your case! Average expert witnesses may use these devices or equipment, fix them, and talk about them or whatever! They are usually not the Top Tear Experts with access to a whole lot of details and other Top Tear Experts who can share a whole lot more inside information that may be needed for your legal case! Excellent average expert witnesses most likely do not know all about those little idiosyncratic things that the nerds up the lines love to talk to each other about all the time for fun as a hobby. I’m in some categories one of those nerds. I’d bore 95% of people when I get going! One Single Fact that your opponent doesn’t have may be all that you need to WIN the legal case at hand; JUST ONE FACT; and ONE American Elite Expert Witnesses may provide you that fact! Not having access to that fact may be all that it takes to LOSE that legal case to your opponent! The question is which firm is more committed to having the upper hand with the “most outcome determining facts”. The answer? The Most Pound Wise, Least Penny Foolish! … and then, there are those others! I hope your firm is not one of those others!

Folks, it is good to know that American Elite will strive to recruit one of the most highly qualified experts who could be one of the persons most knowledgeable in the world, or in USA, (depending on which your legal case benefits most from), about the particular matter on which the basis of your legal case is founded.

Our Services

Our Practice Areas

Expert Witnesses Recruitment

Our expert witnesses services include providing top-tier professionals who can offer authoritative testimony in various fields. Our experts have extensive experience in litigation and are well-versed in delivering clear, compelling evidence in court.

Professional Consulting

In addition to expert testimony, we offer consulting services to support your legal strategy. Our consultants provide valuable insights, conduct thorough research, and assist in case preparation to ensure you have the best possible support.

Legal Case Support

Explore our case studies to see how our expert witnesses and consultants have helped clients achieve successful outcomes. These real-world examples demonstrate the value and impact of our services.

Our Expertise

We at American Elite Expert Witnesses take great satisfaction in providing exceptional knowledge in a variety of fields and industries. Professionals with extensive training and expertise who are leaders in their fields make up our team. We carefully choose our specialists by putting them through a demanding screening procedure to make sure they meet the highest requirements for expertise, dependability, and professionalism.

Diverse Specializations

Our specialists have experience in a variety of industries, including technology, engineering, finance, medicine, and the environment. Because of our diversity, we are able to offer specialized knowledge and testimony that is customized to the particular needs of every case.

Experts in Technology

Our tech specialists are professionals in block chain, software development, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. Their perspectives into the rapidly evolving IT scene are priceless, as they handle issues like digital transformation, intellectual property, and data breaches.

Experts in Finance

Our forensic accountants and financial analysts are experts at locating intricate financial information, fraud, and business conflicts. They offer thorough financial assessments that are essential in matters involving asset value, company litigation, and corruption.

Competitive Advantage

Why Choose Us:

Choosing American Elite means choosing the best. Our experts are leaders in their fields, providing unmatched knowledge and authority that can significantly enhance your case’s credibility and chances of success.

Investment Value:

Investing in top-quality experts is a wise decision for any legal case. The value they bring in terms of credibility, knowledge, and winning potential far outweighs the cost, providing a substantial return on investment.

ROI Examples

Using the services of American Elite Expert Witnesses provides significant returns on investment (ROI) for our clients by enhancing case outcomes and reducing litigation costs. Here are some examples illustrating the ROI from our expert services:

Medical Malpractice Case


A surgeon faced six complex medical malpractice lawsuits brought by the same attorney, involving six different surgeries; losing these cases could have had devastating civil consequences.

Expert Contribution:

Our medical experts provided detailed analysis and served as expert witnesses of the surgical procedures, identifying no deviations from the standard of care, and enforcing excellence of surgical practice, hence resulting in the successful resolution of all six medical malpractice cases.


The expert testimony led to a favorable settlement for the surgeon, avoiding a costly trial and potential multimillion-dollar payout. This not only saved the surgeon substantial legal fees but also protected his professional reputation. The potential settlement for each of the cases would have been a minimum of $250,000, and in aggregate for the six cases, the total potential settlement could have been up to $1,500,000.00. This means, a $50,000 expert witnesses recruitment fee saved the client over a $1,000,000 in settlement with an ROI of at least 20:1.  

Personal Injury Case


A plaintiff in a personal injury case sought compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident.

Expert Contribution:

Our physician specialist conducted a thorough medical analysis of the patient, provided a comprehensive analysis of the accident scene, vehicle dynamics, and mechanisms of injuries. A thorough report with percentage of loss of function and permanent injury was provided by the expert witnesses which resulted in the full policy coverage release to plaintiff as settlement.


The detailed expert report and testimony strengthened the plaintiff’s case, resulting in a much higher compensation award than originally expected. This helped cover medical expenses and lost wages, demonstrating clear financial benefits from our services. The Expert Witnesses Recruitment Fee in this case was $50,000 which resulted in a $1000,000 full policy settlement, $500,000 of which was above expectation, hence the ROI in this case was 10:1.  


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Abusive discharge is a terminated employee’s claim that their termination breached some public policy of the state. Abusive discharge claims…


Frequently Asked

American Elite Expert Witnesses is one of the leading provider of expert witnesses services, committed to matching attorneys with exceptionally skilled experts in a wide range of specialized and technical industries. Our main objective is to assist legal professionals, law firms, and other organizations in the legal field by giving them access to specialized information that can improve their cases and offer crucial insights.

We provide a wide range of services, such as the referral of expert witnesses, case analysis and consulting, etc. Our specialists undertake an exhaustive hiring procedure to guarantee they uphold the greatest standards of expertise, dependability, and professionalism.

In order to make sure that only the most competent and trustworthy experts become part of our network, we at American Elite Expert Witnesses utilize a thorough and challenging selection process. First, we thoroughly screen potential experts to assess their credentials, experience, and background. This includes a review of their education, certifications, and any relevant publications or research. Credential verification is an important next step in which we validate the academic degrees, licenses, and memberships in professional organizations of the potential experts to make sure they meet our high standards.


We choose experts who have previous experience testifying, writing reports, and taking part in depositions because it is crucial to comprehend the legal system and the function of an expert witness. In a legal setting, their capacity to articulate complicated ideas in an understandable manner is essential. In order to evaluate this even more, we perform in-depth interviews to appraise their manner and communication abilities, making sure they can clearly and confidently express their information.


American Elite Expert Witnesses makes sure that we only use the most competent and trustworthy experts to help your legal cases by going through a rigorous selection procedure. These experts provide crucial insights and testimony that have a big influence.


Our expert witnesses at American Elite Expert Witnesses handle a wide range of cases in a variety of fields, offering specific knowledge and insights that are essential for successful litigation. Our specialists have come from a variety of industries, and their individual specialties enable them to meet the demands of your case.

Our medical specialists, who include physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare workers, provide thorough evaluations of medical procedures, diagnosis, and standards of care in medical malpractice cases. They offer testimony that can be crucial in proving responsibility or fending off claims, and they assist in determining whether healthcare providers followed to the necessary standard of care.

Our forensic accountants and financial experts assess financial data and identify fraud in financial and commercial cases. Engineering specialists examine design and production processes to address construction flaws, industrial accidents, and product liability. Toxicologists and environmental experts who evaluate the effects of dangerous substances and regulatory compliance lend support to environmental cases.

Overall, our experts bring specialized knowledge and testimony to a wide variety of legal cases, ensuring informed and effective legal strategies.

Expert witnesses are important to legal proceedings because they offer the court independent opinions and specialized information that helps make difficult matters easier to understand. They carry out in-depth analyses, provide expert views based on their knowledge, and assess the available data. They facilitate the understanding of complex components of the case by juries and judges by providing simple and concise testimony and by breaking down technical intricacies. Their expert testimony and reports can bolster defense tactics, validate allegations, and raise the general caliber of the arguments made in court. By making complex facts understandable and accessible, expert witnesses can also help with cross-examining opposing experts and have a big impact on how a case turns out.

A major impact a top expert witnesses knowledge can have on the result of a case must be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in them. An exceptionally skilled expert witness can offer crucial perspectives and thorough analyses that throw light on complicated matters, facilitating the judge's and jury's comprehension of the case's complexities. Their dependable evidence can give your arguments more weight, which is crucial when discussing technical, medical, or financial matters that call for expert understanding.

A superior expert witnesses can assist you in determining the advantages and disadvantages of your case, allowing you to develop a more effective plan. In the courts, their capacity to communicate facts clearly and efficiently can have a significant impact and may result in more favorable decisions or settlements. Investing in the best expert witness benefits your case's presentation overall and increases the probability of a favorable outcome, in addition to their specific area of expertise.

Case outcomes can be greatly improved by using American Elite Expert Witnesses services, giving our clients excellent returns on their investment (ROI). For example, our expert witnesses can provide crucial information and testimony in medical malpractice lawsuits to help obtain favorable verdicts or settlements, possibly saving millions of dollars in legal bills and compensation payouts. Our accident reconstruction specialists' thorough study can support victims' claims in lawsuits for personal injuries, resulting in larger settlement awards or successful defenses for defendants.

Our forensic accountants and financial analysts can find hidden assets or fraud in financial and commercial cases, leading to significant financial recoveries or savings. This might mean recovering lost money or avoiding heavy fines for firms. Our engineering specialists can determine the underlying causes of failures in situations involving product liability or building faults, assisting businesses in avoiding expensive recalls or repairs and reducing legal risks.

Overall, clients can protect or recover significant financial assets, obtain better legal outcomes, and save litigation expenses by utilizing the specific expertise of our witnesses, providing a compelling return on investment.

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